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  • Writer's pictureKortney Wloch

The Saddest Moment from 'The Last of the Starks'

Guys I am warning you if you did not watch last night's Game of Thrones, TURN BACK NOW: SPOILERS AHEAD.

Now with that out of the way can we all take a moment to discuss the most real moment from 'The Last of the Starks'? I don't know about you but I think I can safely say the most depressing moment from last night was watching Jon Snow (he will forever be Jon Snow, don't fight me), walk away from his most loyal companion. Can we all sit and a take a moment to pet the closest animal we have, and if we don't have one send all the love possible?!

Jon Snow and Ghost, Credit: HBO

The unspeakable love and respect that that an animal creates with their owner is ever-present throughout the show. The loyalty and companionship that the Stark children have with their Direwolves is so heavy, that to see Jon cast aside his pet and family member aside was heart breaking. Not to mention Jon or Aegon whichever you prefer, is still half Stark, and the Direwolf is his adopted sigil. The Direwolves were theirs by right. But still no love! I mean some heartless people could argue it would be too difficult for Jon to possibly say goodbye forever, but seriously Jon. COME ON!

Jon Being Protected even in Death by the puppy he couldn't say goodbye to. Credit:HBO

Jon Snow straight up just LEAVES Ghost who has traveled with him from the very first episode as an innocent non-murderous puppy. Who has given him countless hours of support on the front line. Who has traveled from the far reaches of the North and back again, to fend off the dead, his enemies, and anything else that comes his way.

Tormund and Ghost watching Jon leave like the Heartless man he is. Credit: HBO

Let's hope that we see Jon return for one last goodbye or a pat on the head. How is this okay? Do you even know how lucky you are that your Direwolf even made it this far. Let us say a silent prayer for Lady, Summer, Shaggy Dog, and Grey Wind. I know I'm not the only one upset by this, the lack of goodbye hits harder than if Ghost would have joined the rest of his brothers and sisters in demise.

Jon needs to get his act together. Hopefully when Ghost heads north he'll run into Nymeria. Who knows right? Let's hope for the best!

Afterall, in the words of Lord Eddard Stark, "When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives", let's hope that we see Jon return for one last goodbye. A direwolf and Jon Snow or Aegon Targaryen has no place in the south anyway.

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