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  • Writer's pictureKortney Wloch

Bring A Bottle: Millennials and Our Wine

Happy National Wine Day Everyone! If I'm laying it all out on the line, everyday is national wine day to me. Scored high marks on an exam? Pour a glass of wine. Made a fantastic shrimp scampi (gluten free of course)? Where is that Sauvignon Blanc? Completed a huge task for the house? Baby, give me that perfect Barbera from Three Brothers Winery! Did I do nothing all day but binge watch Netflix and their crime docuseries? That was a ton of work GIVE ME THE WINE!

Wine culture is dramatically changing. I know I am incredibly blessed and fortunate to have careers that pay me well enough to own a home. Yet when the more "luxurious" items like a house, sports cars, certain liquors are just too much; we indulge in a 15 dollar bottle of wine. The rise of organic wines and vegan wines are seeing higher purchasing rates, and the idea of staying in on a Friday night with friends and a bottle, is cheaper than a $40 dollar bar tab a person. you glass of wine, you can pay five bucks alone at most places. It is AMAZING! Not to mention most of the wineries have gorgeous scenery to stare at, while you hold that glass in your floppy over sized sun hat, pretending you have a million dollars you inherited from Great Aunt Martha.

Three Brothers Winery: CHECK OUT DAT VIEW

Truth be told, I know I'll more than likely have $5 to try out five different kinds on a tasting as my weekend outing, than go out to a bar and pay 10-15 on a glass when I know the bottle is only $12. As a millennial who probably is a lot more savvy with my paychecks than most I will always try to put that money aside to indulge in a great bottle every now and then. I am picky and I don't care who knows it. The most expensive bottle I own cost me almost $80 dollars. But I DO NOT CARE. That wine makes me happy. And I love hosting people and being able to break out that perfect pairing.

Which brings me to this: when you hear the words "millennials" and how they spend their money on alcohol, that frat party is the first thing you picture right? Well sorry to burst that little bubble; we're classier than that! In 2016 USA Today did a survey that said us millennials were drinking 159.6 million cases a year. To clarify since I know ya'll hate on millennials for literally anything, this is from ages 21 to 39. There is it, you're in it to!

Wine Tasting in the Fingerlakes is not a wine tasting unless you go to Three Brothers Winery

Wine culture is dramatically changing. I know I am incredibly blessed and fortunate to have careers that pay me well enough to own a home. Yet when the more "luxurious" items like a house, sports cars, certain liquors are just too much; we indulge in a 15 dollar bottle of wine. The rise of organic wines and vegan wines are seeing higher purchasing rates, and the idea of staying in on a Friday night with friends and a bottle, is cheaper than a $40 dollar bar tab a person.

My Friday Night: WINE NOT?

Millennials are usually being blamed for "killing" something, most recently restaurant chains, and according to my older brother "the dinner napkin", but the wine industry is THRIVING.

With that being said, it is safe to say that millennials are responsible for the growing trends and consumerism that applies to wine and wine experiences, and I hope it continues!

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